Book a Forest School Tour at Teesside High School
Tuesday 27 April 2021 | By Samantha HockneyWe are delighted to invite prospective parents and families to enjoy a tour of Teesside High School’s Forest School on Saturday 22 May.
As part of our Open Day that day, we will be running guided tours of our wonderful woodland. Miss Hopkins will lead families around the magical kingdom, mud kitchen and woodland stage, demonstrating how our pupils develop a lifelong love and understanding of their natural environment during their time at Teesside High School.
Forest School has been a regular part of the curriculum at Teesside High School since 2013; it is an important part of daily life at school, not simply a project bolted on to an already busy curriculum!
Through Forest School, Teesside High School pupils are able to fulfil the core purposes of the Forest School ethos, namely, development of self esteem, confidence and social skills. Through carefully planned sessions, children across the school take part in tailored and age-appropriate activities throughout the year which enables them to further excel in all areas of their personal, academic and social development.
The freedom of the ‘forest’ allows our children the opportunity to experience remoteness and a realistic experience in which they are able to practise their skills and further develop their understanding of a woodland environment in all seasons. A big part of our sessions is that pupils of all ages learn to take and manage risks and learn to succeed with small, achievable tasks.
Forest School tours will take place on Saturday 22 May at 11.15am and 11.45am. Email admissions@teessidehigh.co.uk to book an appointment today.