House Photography Competition 2023
Friday 24 March 2023 | By System AdminWe are excited to announce the launch of our annual House Photography Competition. This was introduced to pupils in assembly on Monday and we encourage and invite all students to get involved.
The competition theme in the year of the historic Coronation of King Charles III is “What makes Britain great?”. We would love to encourage our families to spend some time over the Easter break and leading up the Coronation, capturing photographs on this theme.
How to Enter
To enter, Senior School pupils should email their photograph to me nstephens@teessidehigh.co.uk by 4.00pm on the closing date, Monday 15 May. Please attach the photograph(s) and, in the body of the email, write: pupil name, year group and their House. Multiple entries are permitted.
Rules: The photograph needs to be of portrait orientation, rather than landscape, and must be received by the deadline. It should have been taken by the student themselves, and absolutely no internet uploads. There will be two categories: Junior (Years 7-9) and Senior (Years 10-13). The winner’s photograph will feature in our school newsletter, on the front of teachers’ planners for the forthcoming academic year and on our social media feeds. There will be certificates awarded for the winner and any highly commended entries.
Every photograph entered will earn merits for your child’s House as well as points towards the Champion House Competition. Judging will take place week commencing Monday 15 May and winners will be announced prior to half term. I hope you will encourage your child to get snapping and enter a photograph.
Miss Stephens – Deputy Head, Pastoral