Pearl of Africa Children’s Choir Concert – Monday 2 October, 6.00pm
Friday 15 September 2023 | By System AdminWe are thrilled to share an exciting and unique opportunity for our school as we host the wonderful Pearl of Africa Children’s Choir for the day on Monday 2 October.
The Pearl of Africa Children’s Choir was founded in 1983 by Molly and Paul Wasswa, two teachers who established the Molly and Paul Christian Schools and The Molly and Paul Child Care Foundation. They tour the UK to raise funds to support and care for orphaned children, young people and their families. This is done through empowering them through education, healthcare, shelter, food and poverty alleviation. This tour is their first once since before Covid and will be vital in raising much-needed funds so that the children in Uganda can attend school and be cared for.
We will begin the day with a special assembly featuring a performance by the choir that will really get the day off to an exciting start! The choir will be with us all day working with our Senior Choir, KS3 and Year 6 students in a carousel of activities including learning Ugandan songs, drumming and dancing.
All of this hard work will be showcased in a special fundraising concert on the evening where all the students who participated in the day’s workshops will have the opportunity to join with the Children’s Choir to share the sheer energy and joy of their singing with a packed audience.
This will include special performances from our Senior Choir and selected items from the workshops. There will be refreshments in the interval and a retiring collection in aid of the Pearl of Africa charity to raise vital funds to support the Foundation’s continuing work in Uganda. There will also be a wide range of handmade crafts and gifts on sale throughout the day and at the concert. Every penny raised will go directly to the charity, enabling them to continue to provide these much-needed lifelines for children in their care.
We are also looking forward to sharing our wonderful grounds with our visitors and will be taking them to explore our Forest School. As the children do not have any spare shoes or outdoor clothing suitable for the British weather in October, we would like to appeal for donations of any unwanted trainers, wellies, or outdoor coats suitable for children from the age of 10-18 years. It would be wonderful to give the choir some additional supplies to help keep them comfortable as they continue their tour into the winter months.
Tickets for the concert, which starts at 6.00pm, are available via our usual Ticketsource link and are priced at £4.00. We hope you will be interested in supporting this exciting link across the globe and enjoy coming to watch the children make music together. It promises to be an event not to be missed!