Summer Term Co-curricular Provision at Teesside High School
Thursday 22 April 2021 | By Samantha HockneyWe are delighted to share with you details of our co-curricular provision for the summer term. We are very proud to be able to offer such a range of enrichment activities to our pupils at this time, when many schools are still unable to do so. Please note, this facet of our offer will be delivered in line with our Covid-secure policy, as previously.
In Pre-Prep, there are a number of clubs which the children can take part in after school, including the chance to travel the world virtually through World Explorers Club and become the next Wimbledon champion in Tennis Club!
For Years 3-6, pupils will continue to enjoy two co-curricular activities as part of the school day, each Tuesday and Wednesday, 3.00pm-3.40pm. Opportunities range from Philosophy, Just Dance, Coding Club, Running Club, Junior Road Safety Training, Playground Buddies, Football Club (girls and boys) and Fashion Design.
Additionally, there are a number of sporting enrichment activities for pupils from Year 5-11, including Cricket and Rounders Training. These will be delivered as Junior and Senior sessions, allowing for our most talented sportsmen and women to be stretched and challenged beyond their year group.
In the Senior School, enrichment will resume for all pupils each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 3.05pm-4.00pm, starting next week. We will continue to provide a literacy boost session for all year groups. We have seen a significant impact from this added time to get immersed in a good book, reporting an improvement in literacy at all levels. This term, pupils will be able to get outdoors and read in the sunshine, weather permitting!
The Tenner Challenge enterprise project will continue each Wednesday. There has been excellent creativity and competitive spirit shown by pupils as they wash cars, make and sell sunflower kits, set up hamper raffles and think of other innovative ways to make a profit from a humble £10 note. Funds raised from this challenge will be split equally between charity and our School Council, whose priorities feed into the next strand of our enrichment provision each Friday.
We are thrilled that our pupils will be able to work towards achieving a Green Blue Peter badge this term as they take on ‘Five hours to change the world’ in their Friday activity slot. Steered by the School Council’s drive for our school to be a more environmentally conscious community, we will be taking positive action around Plastic, Plants and Power, with each student pledging at least two hours’ commitment to this cause. We will, of course, keep you informed of students’ progress through our newsletter and social media channels.
Year 11 pupils will continue with subject intervention at this critical point in the year, and there will be an opportunity for Year 9 pupils to also be enriched with music and drama activities.
Following half term, we will continue with our enrichment strands of Community, Physical and Skill activities, with chances to engage with the National Citizens Service and enjoy Forest School sessions, to name but a few of our plans.
We hope you have enjoyed the chance to find out more about the many extra and exciting summer term activities that your children can be a part of at Teesside High School.