Teesside High School gets #CaughtReading
Tuesday 24 July 2018 | By Samantha HockneyTeesside High School has launched an exciting initiative aimed at getting more people reading this summer.
The School has taken inspiration from the nationwide Get Caught Reading campaign, which promotes the fun of reading books for all ages.
During the summer break, staff, parents and pupils have been challenged to get ‘caught reading’ in unusual or imaginative places, either at home or on their travels.
Photographs have been shared via the hashtag #CaughtReadingTHS
Mrs Jane McCullagh, Prep School teacher and #CaughtReadingTHS enthusiast, said: “We have spent a lot of time this year promoting reading for sheer pleasure; there is such strong evidence to suggest children who read achieve more in the classroom. We know our children (and adults!) like to get lost in the adventures of a good book and, so far, they have thrown themselves into this challenge. It will be a tough competition to judge, I am sure.”
To enter the competition:
- Get Caught Reading!
- Share your photograph on Twitter or Instagram, using the hashtag #CaughtReadingTHS
- If your profile is private, email your entry to info@teessidehigh.co.uk
A selection of entries so far: