THS Sixth Form Open Evening – Tuesday 12 October
Thursday 30 September 2021 | By System AdminWe are hosting an open evening to share information about joining THS Sixth Form from September 2022.
The Open Evening is a great opportunity for Year 11 students to come along and explore what THS Sixth Form has to offer. We are proud to be recognised as one of the best performing independent school sixth forms in the country. Just last week our Sixth Form department was recognised for achieving value-added (progress) scores which rank within the top 1% of schools in the country. On average, every pupil at THS Sixth Form achieves almost one grade higher than their GCSE results suggest they should.
Our Sixth Form Open Evening will start at 6.00pm on Tuesday 12 October; please report to the Senior Student Entrance upon arrival.
Details of our diverse co-curricular opportunities, excellent university and careers support, routes into apprenticeships and work experience will be made available, along with information about our range of scholarships and bursaries.
This evening is the starting point for an important series of decisions, and information about our forthcoming Sixth Form Transition Day on Friday 5 November (current pupils) and Taster Day opportunities (external pupils) will also be shared.
I hope you will be able to join us. Please RSVP via admissions@teessidehigh.co.uk so we can manage numbers accordingly. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly admissions team.