Summer Fair – Saturday 15 June
Monday 26 February 2024 | By System AdminWe are delighted to be able to invite you to the headline event in our summer term calendar, the THS Summer Fair! This event will celebrate 125 years of the Former Students’ Association and will take place on Saturday 15 June.
Our Summer Fair will make a welcome return to the school fields, with live music, family entertainment, raffles, funfair stalls, delicious food and drink and much more.
This event is free entry and will provide fun for all of the family. The fair is also open to members of our local community too, so please do share the date with your friends and family and bring them along for what promises to be a fantastic afternoon.
As we look ahead to organising the event’s raffle, if you have any prizes or donations to make, your support would be much appreciated. Please contact Mrs McCann if you are able to support us, via lmccann@teessidehigh.co.uk
Save the date – we look forward to seeing you there!