Teesside High School – Year 7 Open Evening
Monday 17 September 2018 | By Samantha HockneyDate: Wednesday 10 October, 6.00pm-7.30pm
Venue: Teesside High School, The Avenue, Eaglescliffe TS16 9AT
As many parents begin to consider the next step for their son/daughter after primary school, we invite you to find out more about Teesside High School at our Year 7 Open Evening.
Our Senior School is renowned for providing a stimulating and inspiring education which enables students to develop, change, learn and explore on their journey to adulthood.
We provide a supportive framework which allows students to progress towards their goals with maturity, confidence and assurance.
Our record of achievement at GCSE is outstanding. Please do come along and find out more about life in the Senior School and what you can expect from these years from 11-16.
The evening will start at 6.00pm in the Senior School Hall. Refreshments will be available upon arrival and at 6.15pm there will be a short presentation giving you an insight into life in the Senior School. There will be key staff on hand to answer your questions, including our Senior Leadership Team, current pupils and Senior School form tutors. Year 6 pupils are very welcome to attend with you if you wish, but their attendance is by no means obligatory.
At the meeting, you will also be provided with details of future events that we have planned, including Scholarship Assessment Days.
Want to find out more in advance? Request a Prospectus or Get in Touch to arrange a personal tour.