
Title Change

And a sub title

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Little Diamonds Nursery

At Teesside High School, boys and girls are welcomed into the Nursery at the start of the term in which they turn three years old. We are a child-centred, family-focused independent school, where your child’s happiness and learning needs come first.

Within the warm and nurturing environment at Little Diamonds Nursery, every child is treated as a unique and special individual. Our ethos is to support and encourage the children to feel confident, happy, safe and secure whilst exploring and finding that everything is possible.

Our Little Diamonds are afforded an outstanding level of care to ensure that they have the best start in life. We find great joy in helping them to make exciting discoveries and to unlock their unique skills and talents.

The learning experiences that the boys and girls encounter are varied, challenging and, above all, fun whilst providing them with opportunities to develop essential life skills such as persistence, cooperation and independent thinking.

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This is a test Green button

This is a test White button

Fees for the 2017/18 academic year

Year group Termly fee payable in advance Monthly direct debit (10 instalments)**
Nursery £1200* £360*
Reception (under 5 years) £1,625* £487.50*

Fees for the 2017/18 academic year

Year group Termly fee payable in advance Monthly direct debit (10 instalments)**
Nursery £1200* £360*
Reception (under 5 years) £1,625* £487.50*

  • Some List
  • Another Item
  1. Numbered List
  2. Another Item

Where there is love there is life.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
– You could bold someones name

But also, Link looks like this

An Image?

What if I was to put an image into a content area?

With a caption?

And then some text after the image with also testing a left aligned image with no caption side-by-side:

Some text here? Would it also be possible to have text wrapped around text?

Let’s see in the next section!

Image with text wrapped around it.

And then we have some text here that would be wrapped around this image in some fashion. It has to be contained within the same p tag but also there needs to be a decent amount of text for it to look ok. This is because we want the text to actually wrap around the image and the see if it returns underneath. This will also test to see if the correct margins have been applied to the image. And then we have some text here that would be wrapped around this image in some fashion. It has to be contained within the same p tag but also there needs to be a decent amount of text for it to look ok. This is because we want the text to actually wrap around the image and the see if it returns underneath. This will also test to see if the correct margins have been applied to the image. And then we have some text here that would be wrapped around this image in some fashion. It has to be contained within the same p tag but also there needs to be a decent amount of text for it to look ok. This is because we want the text to actually wrap around the image and the see if it returns underneath. This will also test to see if the correct margins have been applied to the image.

This is a caption for this image. I’m going to see what it looks like with a really long captions so that it needs to go on two lines. We may need to describe the scene that’s in the photo as that would be useful to some users!

Aligned to the right.


Something here

A new line of text.


6 on the next one

What about 7?!?!

Do you think 8 will work??????

There is no way 9 will work is there?

Page Blocks


CTA Block


“Teesside High School is committed to providing excellence in learning for all children of all levels”

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About the School...

Floating Block


“Within our independent nursery, we offer a variety of experiences for children to explore at their own pace in preparation for their journey into school life”

In addition to the EYFS curriculum, Nursery children participate in lessons taught by specialist teachers delivering Physical Education and music activities.

The children at Little Diamonds Nursery are very much a big part of school life, attending school assemblies, taking part in sports days and plays as well as other school events. The staff in the Nursery work closely with the Reception class ensuring a smooth transition as they progress through the School. The Nursery and Reception children share the same termly theme and join together regularly to explore and share knowledge.

Request a Prospectus

CTA Block


Split Block


“Our aim is for pupils to work hard & play hard”

Specialist teachers encourage small groups to make that tricky transition from GCSE to A Level by claiming responsibility for their own success, and giving effective and detailed feedback, so that mistakes and failures are part of the learning process for both teacher and pupil. We encourage a positive and flexible outlook, and value all aspirations and ambitions, whether academic or vocational.

We have a firm expectation that pupils will undertake 5 hours a day of independent study, and our dedicated tutors ensure that the highest standards of academic rigour are met. We demand a lot from our high achievers, and we help them rise to meet those challenges – but we are not a faceless corporate giant or an exam-factory, turning out clones whose only interest is grades and marks; we value the quirky, the individual, the original thinker and the intellectual rebel, and we help pupils channel their energies in creative and constructive directions.

Sixth Form Class of the Year Winner 2014

n 2014, our independent Sixth Form won the Northern Echo’s prestigious Class of the Year award for their extensive charity work. As well as an amazing midsummer ball for leavers, we have pastoral days with outdoor team challenges and trips to ice-skate, we hold barbeques and summer parties. Sport is an integral part of the curriculum and fosters a great spirit of teamwork and competitive drive. The two year groups make a Sixth Form that is a perfect size: big enough not to be cliquey, small enough to be friendly rather than faceless.

Pupils take on responsible roles at the head of our House system, and start to make a significant contribution towards the public face and running of the school: working towards Duke of Edinburgh awards; setting up and running companies as part of the Tycoons in Schools scheme; running the Debating Society; functioning as Subject Prefects; mentoring younger pupils.

Sixth Form Class of the Year Winner 2014

n 2014, our independent Sixth Form won the Northern Echo’s prestigious Class of the Year award for their extensive charity work. As well as an amazing midsummer ball for leavers, we have pastoral days with outdoor team challenges and trips to ice-skate, we hold barbeques and summer parties. Sport is an integral part of the curriculum and fosters a great spirit of teamwork and competitive drive. The two year groups make a Sixth Form that is a perfect size: big enough not to be cliquey, small enough to be friendly rather than faceless.

Pupils take on responsible roles at the head of our House system, and start to make a significant contribution towards the public face and running of the school: working towards Duke of Edinburgh awards; setting up and running companies as part of the Tycoons in Schools scheme; running the Debating Society; functioning as Subject Prefects; mentoring younger pupils.

Save the date
Our next Open Day will take place on Saturday 21 September. Register your details to receive further information and a convenient time for an Open Day tour.