Service of Remembrance at Teesside High School
Tuesday 22 October 2019 | By Samantha HockneyWe would like to invite you to join our school community for our annual Service of Remembrance, which will take place in the Senior School Hall on Monday 11 November.
The Service of Remembrance will begin at 10.30am and continue until 11.30am, after which you are warmly welcome to join us for refreshments in the Library.
This annual service is a poignant and reflective occasion which sees Prep and Senior students come together and honour those who have been killed or affected in the line of duty.
There will be readings from our Speech and Drama students as well as performances from our school choirs.
We will also be joined on the day by friends and colleagues from Junction Farm Primary School and Whinstone Primary School, who will lay a wreath on behalf of their respective school communities.